Are Professional Boxers Allowed to Street Fight? (We Found Out)

Boxing is a combat sport in which two people fight each other by a set of boxing rules. They fight with their fists and defend with their hands, head, body, and foot movement. Boxers usually wear padded gloves and fight by Marquess of Queensberry’s rules. 

Those rules have been written by John Graham Chambers. Some rules of boxing important for analyzing the question of boxers in street fights are:

  1. The Boxing ring should be 4,9×4,9 m.
  2. Wrestling and hugging are not allowed
  3. The rounds should last for three minutes, and one minute between them.
  4. If a man falls he needs to get up unassisted in 10 seconds 

Boxing is a well-known sport all over the world for a long time and for sure is battle-tested. There are many stories about how boxers are not allowed to fight outside the ring. Because their arms in eyes of the law are considered a weapon. It is a myth and a way to put on the hype for fights, and create legends about them. 

Joe Luis was a promoter of that myth. He was a heavyweight champion in his time and was bringing a police officer to register his hands as a lethal weapon before the fight. There is also a rumor that boxers should express their expertise three times before engaging in conflict. But there is no law to confirm that.

Boxers are allowed to fight like any other person, especially if a boxer defends himself or avoids conflict. Of course, if a boxer assaulted somebody it could be leverage on the court. Because of the skill level and ability to harm someone.

 In Texas, there was a case where a mixed martial arts fighter was charged with aggravated assault because of their expertise in their skills of fightingConflict should be avoided but if a boxer does not have any other option he should defend himself as any other person. 

There could be a contract with a boxer’s promotion that says he is not allowed to get into any fight outside the ring because there is the possibility to get injured. In that case, a fighter cannot perform. Also, many gyms have rules about their member’s behavior outside the gym. 

If boxers and members of a gym are provoking the fights on the street, their behavior will create a negative image of the boxing gym and the sport itself.

These professional boxers had conflicts outside the ring

Mike Tyson 

Talking about boxing can not go without mentioning a legendary fighter. Mike Tyson was born and raised in a very rough neighborhood. He was involved in 150 fights before he became a pro. A couple of years after being heavyweight champion of the world, he got into a fight with Mitch Green. He hit him a couple of times with his bare hand and did permanent damage. Imagine the leverage he would have against the average person. 

However, in 2022 we could see another Mike Tysons fight outside the ring. Check the video below.

Sonny Liston

He was a real old-school fighter. Growing up in a farming family in Arkansas and later being raised on the streets Sonny was a ferocious figure. Learning how to box in while in jail give him even more power. There are many stories about how he used his boxing skills in the streets, which mixed with his strength gave him huge leverage over untrained people. On some occasions, he even fought with police officers armed with bats.

Which advantages boxers would have in a street conflict?

Boxers train their skills to perform in a ring. Of course, they carry their skills everywhere whit them. You don’t have to be professional to train in boxing. Many people train it to learn how to defend themselves or just blow off some steam after work. There are many advantages to boxing, especially for situations you don’t want to be in

First of all, boxing gives you confidence, and sparring gives you the ability to act under stress so you will not freeze, and you will know what to do. You will also be aware of the distance between where you are safe and where you are in danger. Furthermore, boxing is about hitting and not getting hit. 

Being used to getting hit is part of boxing training which helps to not get shocked when a person is punched or received some sort of impact. Head movement and changing your positions by footwork will be very important to avoid damage and injuries. 

Throwing punches is the point of boxing. Boxer will be able to throw much more volume of hits and those will be more powerful. Specially heavyweight fighters. A heavy-hitting heavyweight fighter can knock out a person with a single punch.

 Considering the skill and experience of professional boxers average person on the street has a little chance to get out of a conflict with a professional fighter, unharmed. Considering that professionals should be acting like one and use their skills only if there are not any other options for them.

Which disadvantages do boxers have in a street fight?

In a case of street fight scenario, a lot of things can happen. It happens very fast, does not last long, and does not have any rules. Boxing gives many advantages but it is not perfect for a street fight

It doesn’t include wrestling, kicks, and fighting on the ground. Also in a boxing match fighters are in a square-shaped ring so they are aware of their surroundings. There are no chairs broken glass or walls or multiple attackers to deal with.

There are some fighting systems like Krav Maga which prepare you for weapon attacks and are more adjusted to the street fights. 

Also boxer frights in a ring with gloves and mouthpiece. On the street, he will need to adjust his defense to fighting with naked fists.

Bareknuckle boxing is more adjusted to the street fight than regular boxing is. Fighters only got their hands wrapped with bandages and wearing mouthpieces which makes them more adjusted to receive hits just with the unprotected fist. Also, their defense is more adjusted to the street situation than regular boxer is. It’s because regular boxers use big padded gloves. And because of that them fighting bare-knuckle could result in hols in a defense.


Having an arsenal of boxing skills instincts, and being hand to hand combat-ready gives big advantages to a person in a conflict situation. Especially if it is a question of a professional boxer. He trains five to six days a week and spars with top fighters regularly. 

They are not allowed to fight on a street no more than a regular person. If they are charged for assault and injuries they made their skill will be a factor in a court of law. 

But they have every right to defend themself. Fighting in a street or a bar for example is not the same as fighting in a  boxing ring, because you have the judge, ring, and a set of rules that stops you from getting hit if you are down. It is a controlled environment after all and the street is unpredictable. Nevertheless, somebody with a set of skills like boxers should be very aware of that, and regarding that behave responsibly. 

Professionals HQ

Hi, my name is Jim. I'm a hardcore sports enthusiast and also the founder of ProfessionalsHQ, where my team and I will share our knowledge and provide you with the best and up-to-date information about professional sport.

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