Do Pro Bodybuilders Ever Come Off Steroids? (In-Depth Study)

Regardless of why a pro bodybuilder is using steroids, they will want or need to stop at some point. This could be because the medications have done their purpose and are no longer required, the user is experiencing unpleasant side effects, or steroids are detected on athletic drug tests. Whatever the reason for discontinuing steroid use, users must do so safely.

When it comes to stopping steroid use, a bodybuilder has two possibilities; to abruptly discontinue anabolic steroids (while this is the most obvious choice, it is not considered as a safe one) or alternative is to concentrate on steroid tapering (although it takes longer and requires more effort, it is the safer option).

Most bodybuilders come off steroids for a short time and then start taking them again – this method is called “cycling”. However, some bodybuilders decide to stop taking steroids permanently, but they are usually the ones that drop out of professional competitions.

Rarely a bodybuilder will “blast and cruise” a.k.a never coming off steroids, just using high doses followed by lowering them, in circles.  

Following common steroid usage patterns, we may conclude that a significant number of pro bodybuilders cease taking steroids at some time, usually before a competition to pass a doping test. 

We’ll explain what happens when they stop using steroids and what the drawbacks are below.

Steroid Withdrawals

When anabolic steroids are withdrawn, they create withdrawal symptoms that are very seldom life-threatening. This may lead someone thinking about quitting anabolic steroids to believe that quitting abruptly is a good idea.

The fact that anabolic steroid withdrawals are unlikely to result in death does not mean they are risk-free. To begin with, numerous factors influence an individual’s health, and mortality, while uncommon, is nevertheless a possibility. Even if death does not occur, the systemic shock generated by discontinuing steroids is severe and unpleasant. When quitting abruptly, withdrawal symptoms are severe, and the odds of relapsing are substantially higher than when quitting using the recommended techniques.

Why Do Pro Bodybuilders Taper Steroids

Knowing how to cease taking steroids safely is an important part of learning how to use steroids safely. Finally, the only safe approach to discontinue using steroids is to gradually reduce their dosage. This entails gradually decreasing the number of steroids consumed until the bodybuilder is no longer taking it at all. It’s a bit difficult to explain why this is significant but we will try our best.

The body no longer needs to create hormones at its regular pace after using anabolic steroids. The longer the medications are utilized, the lower the body’s production will be. The body is not given time to recover if the user abruptly ceases taking steroids, and the sudden absence of testosterone might have devastating consequences.

Tapering, on the other hand, reduces the use of steroids, allowing the body to gradually increase its testosterone production to compensate for what the drugs provided.

When done appropriately, the bodybuilder should not have any withdrawal symptoms, and if they do, they should be slight. 

How Pro Bodybuilders Taper Steroids

Tapering steroids is a process that is unique to each person. Reduce use by 10-20% per week until the bodybuilder is no longer using the meds, according to general standards. Coming off steroids, however, will not affect everyone in the same way. It may be preferable to reduce by a smaller percentage or to delay reductions for more than a week. As a result, users should not attempt to reduce their doses unless they are working with a qualified physician.

Why Withdrawals Happen

Withdrawal from steroids is often and well-documented occurrence. The impact of anabolic steroids on the male sex hormone (testosterone) is the main reason for withdrawal. 

Bodybuilders may have withdrawal symptoms if they abruptly stop taking a steroid or drastically reduce its dosage; this is due to the hormonal imbalance caused by steroid abuse. The bodies of steroid users become acclimated to having increased testosterone levels which can result in an unnatural increase in testosterone levels, lowering the body’s natural ability to produce testosterone.

Withdrawal symptoms from steroids are caused by low levels of natural testosterone in the body, and they endure until the body’s testosterone production returns to normal.

Withdrawing from steroids is similar to withdrawing from high amounts of testosterone. Everything from fertility to mental health might be harmed as a result of this. As a result, steroid withdrawal is at best unpleasant and at worst dangerous.

Although the physical symptoms of withdrawal are rarely hazardous, many users experience severe depression and consider suicide. Those who stop using steroids suddenly should be thoroughly monitored, and those who have a history of depression should seek therapy at an inpatient rehab center, where doctors can administer drugs to ease withdrawal symptoms.

Steroids Withdrawal Symptoms 

Depression, headaches, anxiety, insomnia, lack of appetite, diminished sex drive, exhaustion, joint pain, muscular aches, nausea… are some of the withdrawal symptoms of steroids.

While the symptoms of steroid withdrawal are unpleasant, discontinuing anabolic steroid use/abuse poses an extremely low danger of serious harm or death. Stopping use may help to avoid some of the most serious adverse effects.

Steroid Withdrawal Duration

For some bodybuilders, stopping steroids will only take a few days, and for some, it may take weeks. Many factors affect the onset and severity of steroid withdrawal symptoms.

In what doses, how often and for how long steroids have been used, whether they were combined with any other substances and the medical history of the bodybuilder are just some of the factors that affect the duration of withdrawal symptoms. 

The sort of steroids the user was using also has an impact on the length of withdrawal. Some steroids linger in the user’s system for a longer time than others. Steroids that stay in the body for longer periods take longer to depart.

The half-life of a steroid is the amount of time it lingers in a user’s body. With longer half-lives, steroid withdrawal takes longer. Some of the most widely abused steroids have half-lives of Anadrol – 5 to 9 hrs, Anavar – 9 hrs, Deca-Durabolin – 2 weeks, Dianabol – 4.5 – 6 hours, Durabolin – 4.5 days, Equipoise – 2 weeks, Winstrol – 24 hours.

Withdrawal Timeline

In the first one to two days, depending on the half-life of the steroid, the first signs of withdrawal appear within five days of the user’s last dose. Irritability, headaches, and nausea are some of the first symptoms.

In three to five days – former steroid users have decreased energy and alertness as withdrawal symptoms worsen. During this phase, psychological symptoms such as depression and anxiety begin to worsen.

In six to seven days – the second week after the user’s final dose of steroids, withdrawal symptoms usually peak. Weight loss, nausea, and abdominal discomfort are all frequent side effects. Steroid users may also experience a depressed period and have trouble sleeping.

Week two – minor withdrawal symptoms may linger after the second week of stopping steroids, but they are minor in comparison to the first week’s symptoms. Withdrawal symptoms will eventually fade away.

Post Cycle Therapy – PCT

After completing a cycle of performance-enhancing medications such as anabolic steroids, post-cycle therapy (PCT) is a procedure that is often initiated.

What most users don’t realize is that steroids wreak havoc on your hormones. As previously stated, when you first begin using steroids, your body receives testosterone from the steroids and your body’s testosterone levels are suppressed. Once you’ve completed your cycle, your body will no longer be receiving hormones from the steroids. That’s when your product has to take over again, and many people use a PCT to help them do that.

The drugs you’ll need to complete the post-cycle therapy protocol will vary depending on your specific situation. We are not giving any recommendations here, but the drugs that are frequently used in post-cycle therapy and require a prescription are Tamoxifen (brand name: Clomid) and Clomiphene (brand name: Clomid) (brand name: Nolvadex). SERMs (selective estrogen receptor modulators) like Clomid and Nolvadex regulate post-cycle estrogen production and block its negative effects on the body. They’re not the same thing as SARMs. When anabolic steroids are withdrawn, estrogen levels may rise, producing hormonal mayhem and necessitating the use of hormone-regulating drugs.

First, we have Clomid which affects the hypothalamus and pituitary glands’ estrogen receptors. It helps in the production of luteinizing hormones (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormones (FSH), both of which are essential for fertility. For healthy sperm production, a balanced hormone balance is required.

Nolvadex induces extremely high levels of LH production while preventing potentially harmful estrogen spikes. If estrogen levels abruptly rise and are not handled, strokes, prostate disease, and cardiac problems can ensue. It is the best drug for lowering estrogen levels and restoring endogenous testosterone to a healthy, stable level.

While on the PCT, supplements like phosphatidylserine and acetyl-l-carnitine can assist reduce cortisol levels. After a cycle, high levels of this stress hormone might trigger catabolism. “To build-up,” as in new tissues, complex compounds, and muscle mass, is what anabolic means. Catabolic metabolism breaks down important components for human health, such as biological tissues and complex body molecules, in the polar opposite of anabolic metabolism. The two combine to form metabolism.

Unhealthy post-cycle catabolism might result in significant fat and muscle mass loss, wiping out all the hard work. Catabolism, on the other hand, if left uncontrolled, can lead to a variety of health problems.

It should now be obvious why post cycle therapy is not only a good notion for restoring endogenous testosterone to its natural peak levels, but it is also an important aspect of post cycle healing. It is harmful and not suggested to have a recognized PCT after ceasing anabolic steroid use. The duration of a proper post-cycle therapy program is two to four weeks. It will be very dependent on how much the user’s natural hormone production has been suppressed. Everyone’s situation will be different. As a result, it’s usually a good idea to plan for four weeks just to be cautious.


Almost every pro bodybuilder comes off steroids at some point in their life. Bodybuilders should keep in mind that many of the bad side effects they are experiencing are common. It is critical to gradually reduce the steroid dose to achieve physical and mental recovery. The body takes time to mend and return to normal. Consuming sensible, nutrient-dense, high-fiber foods and drinking enough water is, as always, a vital element of recuperation. Because any supplements can upset the body’s hormonal balance, the PCT doctor should be consulted first.

Professionals HQ

Hi, my name is Jim. I'm a hardcore sports enthusiast and also the founder of ProfessionalsHQ, where my team and I will share our knowledge and provide you with the best and up-to-date information about professional sport.

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