Do Professional Runners Wear Underwear?

If you’re a runner on a regular basis or an occasional jogger, you’re aware of the importance of wearing supportive underwear. Many people continue to ask the same question. Do you pair your running shorts with underwear? It’s best to observe how pros handle the situation.

Professional runners frequently run without underwear because most running shorts include built-in underwear that is designed for quick movement and sweat. Compression shorts or sports underwear are commonly worn by those who are concerned about bodily fluid stains.

Pros of Running Without Underwear

Many men and women choose to go running without underwear as a way to keep things cool down below. Underwear puts an extra layer of cloth around your privates, which can lead to increased sweating, especially on hot days. Because you’re not wearing underwear, more air can circulate your crotch, reducing sweat and keeping it breathable.

Running without underpants can help prevent yeast infections in women who are prone to them. Certain underwear can retain moisture in your lady parts, increasing the likelihood of yeast infections. Undergarments that aren’t composed of cotton or natural fibers don’t allow for adequate ventilation in the vaginal area, resulting in moisture accumulation and a favorable habitat for bacteria to thrive. 

Going commando allows greater air circulation in the vaginal region, minimizing moisture build-up in which yeast grows, for women runners who are prone to yeast infections.

In women who are prone to yeast infections, running without underwear can help prevent them. More air can circulate around your crotch, which helps to reduce sweat and keep it breathable. Tight clothing has been shown to affect male fertility by lowering sperm count. Going commando also means you won’t have to stop your run to change your clothes.

Going commando while running may help protect men’s sperm. According to certain research, wearing tight clothing can reduce male fertility by diminishing sperm count. When you wear underpants, everything is pushed up against your abdomen, raising the temperature surrounding your testicles and potentially harming heat-sensitive sperm. The heat generated by physical exercise, such as jogging, only adds to this. Your privates, on the other hand, remain cool and breathable without underpants.

If you find yourself stopping in the middle of a race to dig out a wedgie, it might be time to consider going commando. Running without underwear eliminates the need to stop your run to alter your clothing. Chafing is another annoyance that comes with wedgie, so if you like to run in tight-fitting garments, it could be a good idea to skip the underwear occasionally. Because of the constant friction in the presence of moisture, wearing overly tight undergarments puts your private parts at danger of irritation and chafing.

A noticeable panty line is something that every woman despises. The humiliation of someone pointing out in public is a nightmare that no woman wants to face, and the tight materials of running leggings practically guarantee it. Thongs may solve the problem, but they are not the ideal choice for running. Therefore, going commando means that you’ll never have to deal with such a problem.

Running without underwear eliminates the risk of tightness and allows you to take longer strides. It may also make you feel more energized or attractive, which is a great motivation for working out.

Cons of Running Without Underwear

Running without underwear on is a fantastic idea until you notice a stain on your pants. We’re all familiar with the human body, and we’re all aware of the types of bodily fluids that can be excreted while we run. There are numerous vaginal discharges or dampness due to excessive perspiration; your clothes readily and quickly absorb such fluids, making it difficult to fight them; you’ll have a difficult time preventing stains that would otherwise be absorbed by underwear.

Another disadvantage of going commando while running is when ladies are on their periods; however, if you are brave enough, you can use a tampon to save yourself. Furthermore, if you have high flow or choose to use sanitary pads instead of tampons or diva cups, you must either postpone your run or wear underwear. 

It’s a great idea to run without underwear on until you notice a stain on your pants. Vaginal discharges or moisture caused by excessive perspiration are common and can be easily absorbed by your clothing. You’ll avoid chafing and be able to breathe more freely if you don’t wear underwear.

It’s a little unpleasant to run without underwear and spoil your commando with discharge, sweat, and odors. To begin with, it makes you exceedingly uncomfortable, and then all of the mess from your shorts, leggings, or even sweatpants will be sitting in your laundry basket. This means that your training clothes or joggers will be significantly dirtier than usual- As a result, there is a good reason to think twice about skipping your undies.

Although skipping underwear will prevent you from chafing and allow you to breathe more freely if your commando’s fabric is coarse, thick, or overly rough, you may get skin irritation or allergies.

Running Shorts With Built-in Underwear

Most running shorts include built-in underwear, so you won’t need to wear an extra pair. Unlike most underwear that isn’t created for running, the lining inside a pair of running shorts is designed for quick movement and sweat. Moisture-wicking fabrics, such as polyester, keep you dry, while fabrics with some elasticity, such as elastane, move with you.

A running short’s lining is made to allow for rapid movement and sweat. Fabrics that drain away moisture, such as polyester, keep you dry, while elastane offers you elasticity. A built-in liner is also included in women’s running shorts to keep everything tucked in.

It makes sense for men’s running shorts to have a built-in liner to keep everything tucked in, but women’s running shorts also have them.

Do Professional Runners Go Commando While Running?

When you go commando, you don’t wear anything underneath your running shorts. Professional runners who wear running shorts with a built-in liner choose this option since it provides them with the most comfort and breathability.

There is very little support for your private areas when wearing running shorts without liner. Only go commando if you’re wearing lined or thick-fabric compression shorts with a built-in liner, according to professionals.

One of the issues with going commando is that if you wear running shorts without lining, there is very little support for your private parts, which leads to chafing in the thighs. Another issue is that if you don’t wear any underwear and wear very thin leggings or tights, your private area, or at least the lines of it, is highly exposed.

Furthermore, if you’re going commando and wearing really loose split shorts, it’s very easy to see your private parts between your shorts’ collars. For these reasons, expert runners advise going commando only when wearing lined or thick-fabric compression shorts.

Do Professional Runners Wear Compression Shorts?

Compression shorts are another popular option for runners, and for good reason. They provide muscle compression, drain sweat away from the skin, prevent chafing, and are extremely light.

Compression shorts are extremely light and provide muscle compression while also wicking perspiration away from the skin and preventing chafing.

 You can wear compression shorts under your running shorts or on their own if they’re composed of moisture-wicking materials like polyester and spandex. It’s not necessary to wear underwear under compression shorts; instead, they should serve as your underwear.

Do Professional Runners Wear Sports Underwear While Running?

Sports underwear comes in a variety of styles. All of them have one thing in common: they’re constructed of moisture-wicking fabrics like polyester, nylon, and spandex. 

Moisture-wicking underwear is ideal for lowering heat and moisture while preventing chafing, although most professional runners do not use them.

Moisture-wicking underwear not only helps to prevent chafing but also helps to reduce heat and moisture, which is good for hygiene. However, getting wedgies from running with your underwear could be a problem. Most professional runners, on the other hand, do not utilize them.

Do Professional Runners Wear Speedo While Running?

Some triathletes and runners also wear Speedo beneath their running shorts since they are very comfortable and do not cause chafing when running.

Speedo under their running shorts is also worn by some triathletes and runners because it is very comfortable and does not cause chafing while running.

 The main drawback is that they get really hot inside during the summer because the material isn’t particularly breathable. Even though they’re composed of similar materials, speedos are frequently thicker than compression shorts or active underwear.


Before making a decision, it is always essential to carefully and thoroughly assess the benefits and drawbacks. You shouldn’t put your genital health first at the expense of breathability and comfort. Additionally, if you want to wear your underwear, it’s critical to choose the right fabric for you and make sure they are gentle to your body. Avoid cotton underwear and instead, choose a fabric that is moisture-wicking, breathable, and light, with flat seams.

This will avoid chafing and the accumulation of microorganisms in the area. As a result, regardless of what you pick, it’s always a good idea to consider all of the options and consequences of your decision. 

Professionals HQ

Hi, my name is Jim. I'm a hardcore sports enthusiast and also the founder of ProfessionalsHQ, where my team and I will share our knowledge and provide you with the best and up-to-date information about professional sport.

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