Do Soccer Players Drink Protein Shakes?

Supplements are an easy method to nail your nutrition when putting your body under a lot of stress if you’re eating good, balanced meals tailored to complement your workout. Players at the highest levels of football utilize a variety of them to help them perform at their best throughout a hectic schedule, and one of the most popular is the protein shake.

Soccer players drink protein shakes because it makes it simple to meet their daily protein requirements while also preventing the body from being overloaded with other macronutrients. Protein drinks are good for soccer players because they don’t disrupt their training routines.

We all know what a protein shake is used for, but we’ll reveal to you how vital it is in the soccer world down and whether professional players incorporate it into their diet.

Do Professional Soccer Players Drink Protein Shakes?

We all know that whey protein is commonly used among the majority of athletes, especially pros. But what about professional soccer players?

The first player we did research on was Cristiano Ronaldo. In his partnership with Herbalife, they did a promo video in which you can clearly see how he drinks their protein shake.

In many of his interviews, he always stresses the importance of having good nutrition. Besides that, if we just take a look at his body structure, even if he wasn’t opened about it, I think it would be fair to assume he drinks protein shakes.

According to several sources, we found that Lionel Messi also drinks protein shakes on a regular basis. If you didn’t know, he was a big junk food addict until dr. Giuliano Poser did a complete reconstruction of his diet, which included adding protein shakes.

Neymar was the next player we found to drink protein shakes, even 2-3 times per day. Typically, Neymar drinks one protein shake as a part of the breakfast and one as a part of the dinner. That would explain how he gained 2kg without weight training.

So, if 3 best soccer players in the world drink protein shake we can conclude the following:

Professional soccer drink protein shakes regularly as a part of their diet. Some consume it once a day, while others 2-3 times a day.

Are Protein Shakes Good for Soccer Players?

Protein is the most important component of the body’s muscles. Working out a muscle destroys its fibers, which are then repaired with amino acids or protein. Because soccer players exercise for six hours a day on average, they sustain significant injury to their core and leg muscles. 

It’s no surprise that the ideal protein intake for soccer players is 0.55-0.65 grams per pound of bodyweight. Let’s say the average soccer player weighs 130 pounds. For a player of this size, the protein consumption should be around 80-95 grams per day. And that’s a ridiculous amount of protein to get from a diet. 

Protein shakes are good for soccer players because they make it simple for soccer players to meet their daily protein requirements, and without causing the body to become overloaded with other macronutrients.

Because protein isn’t the sole nutrient present, even in high-protein foods like fish, beef, and poultry. While trying to meet your protein goals, you’re likely to overeat fats and other nutrients that aren’t good for you. So, what’s a high-protein choice that contains little or no other dietary nutrients? Protein shakes.

Protein shakes make it simple for soccer players to meet their daily protein requirements, and without causing the body to become overloaded with other macronutrients. Protein drinks are ideal for soccer players since they do not interfere with their training schedules. 

Because, while having the same amount of protein as a scoop of protein powder, a burger will take far longer to digest due to its high-calorie content and other nutrients.

This strain on your digestive system will not only damage your workout but will also slow down muscle growth.

Why is Important for Soccer Players to Consume Enough Protein?

Protein is beneficial to all athletes, and soccer players are no exception. Soccer players spend about six hours a day grinding their muscles. Then, 2-3 times a week, but that training to the test in 90-minute matches. A vast amount of muscle fibers in their body are damaged or injured as a result of this. And without enough protein to restore the muscles, they will begin to deteriorate. 

Protein aids muscle development in two ways. Active growth is the process of repairing and strengthening muscle fibers that have been injured or damaged. Passive growth occurs from reducing the time it takes for muscles to recuperate between workouts.

It is important for soccer players to consume enough protein because after training muscle fibers get damaged and protein restores them.

Protein is beneficial to soccer players in both ways. It allows soccer players to maintain their muscle mass while bridging the time between training sessions. During training, soccer players mostly work on their lower body and core. They require a lot of protein for repair and recuperation because they are large muscle groups.

Though there are differing opinions on this, soccer players should consume 1.2-1.7 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight daily. Protein is not only beneficial to soccer players, but it is also highly recommended!

Protein is essential for all sports, and protein shakes come to the rescue when your diet falls short of fulfilling your daily protein needs. Protein smoothies should be included in the diets of soccer players specifically. They’re a terrific alternative to meat, fish, poultry, and other traditional protein sources. Protein shakes contain easy-to-digest protein that is practically devoid of other nutrients that could interfere with your diet.

However, the best way to get the most out of your protein shakes is to time them.

Should Soccer Players Drink Protein Shakes?

Protein shakes are a no-brainer in bodybuilding, but you might be wondering if they’re safe for soccer players to drink as well. Protein drinks are well-known for their health advantages, but their use by soccer players is still controversial.

Protein shakes should undoubtedly be included in the diets of soccer players; they are not only healthy and delicious, but they also allow players to acquire a large quantity of protein with little effort. To meet daily protein requirements, players should strive for one to two servings (30-60g) each day. Protein shake consumption requirements vary substantially depending on age, weight, height, and fitness goals.

Soccer players should drink protein shakes because they are not only healthy and delicious, but they also allow players to acquire a large quantity of protein with little effort.

The muscles of soccer players are always under stress, whether on the field or in the gym. Micro tears form in the muscles as a result of the ongoing stress, and these micro tears mend while the person is resting. Protein is the body is responsible for healing these micro tears, so a player must get enough protein to help him recover as quickly as possible.

Although the body can create some proteins, others must be received through food intake. These proteins are known as essential amino acids, and they are required not only for muscle repair but also for a variety of other biological activities. Protein shakes are a crucial tool for every athlete because it is difficult to meet protein requirements by eating solely whole foods. 

When you drink a protein shake, you’re giving your body a boost in terms of muscle regeneration, pH balance, and fluid balance, among other things.

When Should Soccer Players Drink Protein Shakes?

It’s common knowledge that carbs replenish your body’s energy supply, but what about muscle repair? That’s where Protein comes into play. Your body will be pummeled and your muscles will be destroyed after a grueling 90 minutes. It’s now time to get to work on the repairs.

Soccer players should drink a protein shake after an intense workout or game within 15 to 30 minutes. Given how rapidly the protein shake is digested, a full meal should be consumed within an hour.

With the use of protein shakes, protein breakdown decreases, and protein synthesis increases during the post-match window. As a result, a positive muscle protein balance is achieved (basically your muscle will start to grow in this period).

Proteins that generate hyperaminoacidemia (high blood amino acid levels) boost amino acid transport to muscles and cells, which can help with muscle repair and growth. Whey and Casein protein supplements have been shown to raise blood amino acid levels more than free form BCAAs, according to the research.

Best Protein Shake for Soccer Players

There isn’t a single athlete on the planet who doesn’t benefit from a little more protein in their diet! While protein powder isn’t always a performance booster, getting enough protein in your diet can help (especially high-quality protein like this 100 percent whey protein powder source). This ensures that you recover from heavy physical activity far more quickly than you would have been able to before.

One of the best protein shakes for soccer players is Optimum Nutrition whey protein powder in a variety of ways, including in the training room, on the practice field, and on game day.

In the realm of sports supplements, Optimum Nutrition is a household name. Optimum Nutrition (ON) is known for its protein powder formulae. It is one of the top brands in the market and one of the most trusted names in the supplement industry. The strawberry and vanilla ice cream flavors are always popular, but nothing – NOTHING – compares to the Extreme Milk Chocolate. 

You’ll get 24 g of whey protein isolate and whey protein concentrate, as well as some whey peptides, all of which are meant to aid in the repair, restoration, and growth of lean muscle mass.

This protein powder will aid in the development of quicker and stronger athletes with substantially improved performance in the gym (especially in the strength, speed, and endurance departments). On the field, this protein powder will assist athletes to recuperate from extended practice sessions and difficult game days far faster than they would have otherwise. 


You should not rely on information in this article as a replacement for, nor does it replace, professional diagnosis, medical advice, or medical treatment. If you have any concerns or questions about your health, you should always consult with a physician or other healthcare professional.

Professionals HQ

Hi, my name is Jim. I'm a hardcore sports enthusiast and also the founder of ProfessionalsHQ, where my team and I will share our knowledge and provide you with the best and up-to-date information about professional sport.

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