Does Creatine Taste Bad? Well, Depends! Here’s Why (2023)

The creatine monohydrate that is most often available as a workout supplement is a colorless, odorless, tasteless crystalline powder. 

It is sometimes available as a liquid, and sometimes flavors are added to it. But the natural form has no taste.

So, why do some people say it tastes bad if it has no flavor? This is because creatine is derived from an amino acid called methionine, which has a distinct sulfur-like flavor.

Creatine supplements are usually mixed with fruit juice or some other sweet beverage to make them more palatable, but for some people, even that can’t quite mask the taste.

But creatine doesn’t taste bad to everyone. Only for some people, it has a pretty strong and unpleasant flavor.

If you find that creatine supplements are too bitter for your taste, try mixing them with something else or take them with a meal instead of on an empty stomach.

In this article, we’ll go over this burning question of creatine taste and try to explain how to make it more flavorish. Shall we?

Does Creatine Really Taste Bad?

Creatine is a substance that naturally exists in muscle cells. As a result, your muscles can produce more energy when carrying big objects or doing rigorous exercises.

Supplements with creatine are popular among athletes and bodybuilders. They use it to improve exercise performance, gain muscle, and increase strength.

Amino acids, essential elements in the body that support protein production, and creatine share many similarities chemically. For instance, your body can use the amino acids glycine and arginine to create creatine.

The majority of the creatine in our bodies is produced by our liver and kidneys from AA (amino acids), with the rest coming from the food we eat, especially red meat and shellfish.

Pure creatine monohydrate is tasteless and colorless, but many commercial brands, especially the cheaper ones, have impurities left over from the production process, and these impurities can sometimes carry a faint “sulfur” smell or taste.

Creatine sometimes tastes bad to people because it is a natural substance produced within the human body from the synthesis of amino acids l-arginine, glycine, and methionine. 

These amino acids have an extremely bitter taste profile. Unflavored creatine monohydrate is colorless and has a bitter and bad taste in the mouth.

You can buy flavored creatine monohydrate; however, it usually mixes with other ingredients like glutamine, beta-alanine, or other amino acids.

It won’t harm you even if you don’t like it because the recommended number of servings is only four daily.

We know that some people have severe intolerances to particular tastes and textures. As a result, we have developed a few strategies for masking the taste of creatine monohydrate, which we will go over in a moment.

Best Ways to Make Creatine Taste Better

Smoothies and juice

Do you find a creatine shake with water to be monotonous and unappealing?

Then, to gain strength and absorb crucial carbohydrates and nutrients, try combining a creatine combination with various juices and smoothies.

It is best to combine creatine powder with freshly squeezed, sugar-free juice.

Nowadays, it’s simple to locate cold-pressed juices that can provide you with the vitamins and minerals found in fresh fruits and vegetables without the needless sugar added by pre-made juices. 

The juice for the creatine blend should be loaded with vitamins and minerals, whether you purchase fresh juice from the store or produce it at home using a juicer or blender.

It’s crucial to remember that juice also has certain disadvantages. For example, it has less fiber than the entire fruit or vegetable and frequently has more sugar than a single serving of fruit, which can cause blood sugar levels to rise.

Eating entire fruits and vegetables may be preferable to drinking sugary beverages for people watching their sugar intake. 

In addition, juices typically don’t provide as much nutrition as full fruits and vegetables, which can leave you feeling hungry if this is your sole meal. Smoothies can also include a lot of sugar, particularly if you preordered or purchased them from a restaurant. 

It’s advisable to make the smoothie for your creatine drink at home in order to be safe.

By the way, it’s a fitness myth that creatine turns into creatinine when combined with acidic liquids, rendering it useless.

Combine protein and creatine

Creatine or protein? Bodybuilders and athletes frequently ponder the best supplement. 

This can be especially useful for bodybuilders or anyone trying to increase their muscular mass quickly.

While protein is crucial after exercises when your muscles need a lot of protein to heal and develop stronger, creatine serves as the fuel for muscles during workouts. 

Daily intake of both creatine and protein can improve your performance in the gym and enable you to lift heavier weights while also promoting faster healing.

Pre-Workout and creatine

Pre-workout supplements are substances made to offer you energy, mental clarity, and a bigger pump in the gym. 

Feel free to mix your creatine with any pre-workout supplements you use in addition to your diet. Most pre-workouts taste very good and are typically loaded with sugar for an energy boost.

Pre-workout and creatine pills increase your thirst, so drink enough water when taking them. 

Creatine draws water from the bloodstream and injects it directly into your muscles, leaving you dehydrated. Pre-workout supplements can also have a diuretic impact.

To be adequately hydrated, consuming 1 glass of water for every 15 minutes of exercise is recommended, so keep that in mind, especially when utilizing supplements like these.

Creatine Delivery Method Better for Taste? Pills or Powder?

If you want to fully avoid the taste, think about using a pre-packaged creatine supplement in pill form.  (affiliate link)

But because of the higher manufacturing expenses caused by this packing method, the products that end up on store shelves are expensive.

To make up for the price increase, several businesses elect to add additional creatine formulas and esters to their goods, providing them a competitive advantage. 

Because creatine monohydrate (affiliate link) is so inexpensive, purchasing it in bulk and making capsules at home is recommended.

Creatine monohydrate will always be the most efficient and cost-effective creatine ester. Now is the time to get some powder and judge for yourself.

Is Drinking More Water Necessary While Taking Creatine?

To receive the best benefit from creatine, it’s important to consume enough water. Due to the water absorbed into your muscles by creatine, you could gain weight. 

Supplementing with creatine and drinking enough water ensures safety and optimal physiological function. 

Everyone, at any level of their fitness journey, should combine water and creatine. As a result, ensure you have adequate water before working out.

The book “Nutrition for Health, Fitness, and Sport” by Melvin H. Williams claims that some persons may have heatstroke and dehydration due to using creatine supplements.

As a result, it’s crucial to understand how important it is to use enough water when taking creatine.

One gallon of water per day is plenty for the majority of people. However, your body may need less or more water, depending on how hard you work out. 

Outside of exercise, 6 to 8 glasses of water per day should be sufficient. 

Although you can skip this step if using a pre-workout supplement with creatine, you might want to drink a lot more water overall. This is because numerous pre-workout supplements are high in caffeine, a diuretic.

Some individuals advise consuming up to 2-3 liters of water; however, this is simply speculation and might not be beneficial. The worst-case scenario can result in mortality due to low blood sodium levels, which can also cause muscle cramps, disorientation, and coma if consumed in excess.

In general, the first few days after ingesting creatine, weight lifters gain 4–7 pounds of muscle. Weight growth results from the delivery of circulatory water to the muscles. 

Less water is available to the remainder of the body because more water is carried to the muscles. Therefore, getting the right amount of water is essential.

Staying hydrated is crucial since dehydration can lead to weakness, thirst, headaches, muscle cramps, and dizziness. 

However, it would be best if you avoided overhydrating while using creatine and drinking adequate water will help you keep a healthy water balance in your body. 

Creatine water retention results from overhydration, which may or may not be advantageous.

Professionals HQ

Hi, my name is Jim. I'm a hardcore sports enthusiast and also the founder of ProfessionalsHQ, where my team and I will share our knowledge and provide you with the best and up-to-date information about professional sport.

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