What Do Professional Soccer Players Wear Under Their Jerseys?

Because professional soccer players are among the highest-paid athletes in the world, managers and teams have been increasingly interested in the science behind the players, their best tactics, and injury prevention. As a result, many viewers are perplexed when they witness a soccer player removing his shirt and showing what appears to be a sports bra.

Professional soccer players wear GPS vests under their jerseys that capture data on their movements so the coaching staff can evaluate how stressed the players are and modify training regimens accordingly. It enables them to establish a player profile and determine what to expect from players in training and games, as well as develop a strategy for improvement.

In many Premier League and International games, soccer players have been seen wearing garments that resemble sports bras. So, what’s the deal with football players wearing bras? Here’s everything you need to know.

What is a Bra-looking Garment Worn Under Socer Jerseys

Many players wear a high-tech GPS tracker under their shirt, which is meant to measure their movement while they practice or compete. Other data collected by many of these GPS monitoring vests include heart rate and body temperature.

They resemble sports bras and are designed to fit as comfortably as possible under a jersey. They’ve been common in numerous professional leagues over the previous few seasons, particularly in La Liga and the English Premier League. Initially worn just during practice, they are now being worn more frequently during matches as the designs get lighter.

How Does a GPS Vest Work

GPS trackers can be equipped with a variety of sensors that track far more than just speed and location. They can help determine a player’s agility by measuring acceleration and deceleration.

This is very useful when tracking the progress of an injury’s rehabilitation. DSL (dynamic stress load) is a measurement of a player’s accumulated G-forces throughout training or game. This information can be used to regulate player workloads and keep them healthy throughout the season.

When combined with location data, you can plot out an entire match or session’s worth of action, pinpoint peak performance times, and discover areas for improvement in practice. Players can improve their performance and coaches can advise teammates on how to cover more territory together by making statistics choices.

Managers can use GPS data to see which players have made the most strides, what their sprint speed is, and track performance indicators to see whether a player is weary, fatigued, or performing at their best.

These characteristics assist determine which players to replace on the field, making half-time choices, and providing guidance to players, as well as helping prevent injury in some circumstances. A pod on the back of the vests collects data using software that tracks a player’s movements 1,000 times per second.

The GPS gadget is frequently connected to pods that are mounted on tripods to the side of the pitch, and signals from the devices bounce off of them, transmitting the stats into compiled data.

How Does a GPS Vest Help Soccer Players

Everything from your socks to cutting-edge gadgets like GPS vests, premium soccer attire, and gear helps you perform. You would believe that cutting-edge technology is reserved for professionals, but multiple businesses provide GPS smart vests at a range of prices, making them an appealing option for players of all skill levels.

Whether you’re recovering from an injury, attempting to manage workload over a long season, or searching for metrics to compare your speed, stamina, and agility to the pros, or trying to find out how to get your team to work together more efficiently, data from a GPS monitoring vest can help.

Why is the GPS Vest Worn Like a Bra

Because they have nowhere else to store the GPS gadgets and other sensors that their teams require, soccer players wear vests similar to bras. The soccer vest, hidden beneath the jersey, is the ideal location for these sensors since it stays hidden and does not interfere with the players’ ability to perform during the game.

These vests have devices that collect data that can be used in real-time or thereafter to improve the performance of both individual players and the entire team. These soccer vests are worn in both training and games, as we’ve already explained.

When is the GPS Vest Worn Outside of Jerseys

GPS devices are usually fastened outside of the shirts when worn during practice. These gadgets collect data during training sessions and communicate it to the coaching staff, who can then evaluate how far each athlete may be pushed without risking harm.

Players can receive training regimens that are tailored to them based on all of the data acquired over the first few sessions. Individual player coaching used to entail a lot of guesswork and was dependent on trial and error.

Coaches used to change the training of individual players only when they realized they needed to, which was generally too late.

When is the GPS Worn Under Jerseys

The guesswork is removed from the equation when players wear sports bras with sensors; coaches can determine which component of the play each player needs to work on based on all of the measurements collected during a few practice sessions. The device, together with the soccer vest, is hidden beneath the player’s shirt during games.

The advantages are still the same. Coaches are aware of whether players are fatigued or on the verge of injuring themselves, and they may make substitutions as needed. Both the coaching staff and the players can use the data obtained after the game to review the game and devise a plan for how to improve for the next time.

GPS trackers tucked inside soccer vests are an excellent investment in the development of players. Those with extra sensors, such as heart rate and body temperature monitors, are well worth the money. Soccer teams all around the world have realized the benefits of this technology, and there are almost no elite teams that do not employ it, particularly in practice.

Which Clubs Are Using GPS Vests

Since 2020, more than three-quarters of English Premier League teams have used the gadgets in training, with some players also putting them to the test during games.

Liverpool and Manchester United were among the first teams to use the technology, followed by Wolverhampton Wolves and Leeds United.

As some spectators may have noticed during the Euro 2020 England versus Germany knockout game at Wembley, national teams such as England, Ukraine, and Brazil have adopted the use of the devices. The GPS tracking device, according to Brazilian physiologist Guilherme Passos, is a useful addition to understanding the conditions and causes of why players make specific judgments on the field.

The STATSports device is used by the Brazilian national team, and in a promotional video, Passos says it allows him to monitor the team in real-time using an iPad, making it easier to give the coach real-time feedback on how their session is going, and it’s a great tool for controlling the training load.

Which Brand of GPS Vests is Used

STATSports is a well-known brand of GPS gadgets. In an interview in 2020, Sean O’Connor, co-founder of STATSports, stated that consumers will be able to use that data during games to make decisions. He also mentioned that this allows you to create a player profile and know what to expect from them in training and games. 

STATSports Apex is a soccer vest available on Amazon that gives accurate, real-time information on the person wearing it. This device, designed for professional athletes, can track the wearer’s maximum speed, total distance traveled, number of sprints, and average pace, as well as provide a heat map of their position throughout each session.

If that wasn’t enough, STATSports Apex also has a heart rate monitor and a live tracking feature. Even though it is designed for professional use, this device is simple to operate and delivers vital information that even amateur soccer players can benefit from.

The gadget is readily connected to your phone via the app, and you can use the app’s leaderboard function to compare your statistics with your mates as well as some of the world’s best soccer players.

The following are the main features and benefits of this device:

Live tracking – STATSports Apex outperforms the competition with its Live Tracking feature. This technology provides unique insight, allowing the coaching staff to closely monitor each player’s parameters during practice and games. This allows them to change their playstyle in the middle of a game, benefiting the entire squad. It’s also a feature soccer parents can use to help their children develop their soccer skills.

Heart Rate Tracking – The STATSports Apex can also analyze data collected by an external monitor, which is regrettably not included with the gadget. This tool, on the other hand, maybe worth investing in because it can quickly reveal flaws in cardiac practice.

Pro Rating Comparison – Users can compare their stats to those of the best players in the world by selecting from a wide range of professional soccer players’ data. This includes both male and female Premier League soccer players, demonstrating that the equipment was designed with both genders in mind.

Personal Bests – There’s no better way to observe the improvements you’re making in your game as soon as they happen than with STATSports Apex. This device keeps track of your top five essential stats and allows you to share them with teammates, coaches, and friends. This is what keeps athletes motivated and competitive on their route to growth.

Battery Life for Multiple Sessions – When looking for a new soccer vest, one of the most overlooked qualities is the battery life. With the STATSports Apex, you won’t have to worry about the battery dying because a single charge may last up to six hours. For serious soccer players, STATSports Apex is advised. It shouldn’t matter if they’re a pro or a novice as long as they’re committed to personal development.

The client list for this product backs up this claim. Manchester United, Liverpool FC, Arsenal, and the US Soccer Federation are among the teams included on the list.

Catapult has also created a GPS device for soccer players called Playr. Playr, which uses GPS and sensor technologies to track 1250 data points every second, has been certified by FIFA as meeting International Match Standards. There are numerous more brands available.


Soccer vests, also known as bras, are a great way to incorporate technology into the game. The sensors in them keep track of every movement and help us to study and improve our game by constantly monitoring hundreds of parameters.

As superstars like Messi, Ronaldo, and Ibrahimovic have shown, these trackers can always identify something about our weak points that we can’t find otherwise. This type of vest should be purchased without hesitation by anyone passionate about soccer.

Professionals HQ

Hi, my name is Jim. I'm a hardcore sports enthusiast and also the founder of ProfessionalsHQ, where my team and I will share our knowledge and provide you with the best and up-to-date information about professional sport.

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